Performance & Exams
We recognise that one of the most enjoyable functions of a dance school is giving the children a chance to perform, thereby helping to increase their confidence as well as giving the parents a chance to see their children performing so there are regular showcases for the different types of dance they are learning.
Examinations are taken to give the children and their parents a clear indication of their progress, usually one a year per class.
Although exams obviously can lead to undue pressure, we hope this is not the case for our children. Simply put, we would not enter them in for an exam unless we were sure they were confident with their dancing.
Our 100% pass rate confirms this along with the many compliments visiting examiners have paid us, not just for our children’s dancing but also their good behaviour.

For children from 3 years to 8 years of age who attend a dance class in any of the subjects available.
These awards are a gentle introduction to the world of dancing exams. They take these exams with the other pupils in their group, up to eight of them at a time and have the added reassurance of their teacher with them in the examination.
For older children 8 years to 13 years of age who attend a dance class in any of the subjects available.
These awards suit either the older child who has just started to learn to dance or as a follow-on from the Rosette Awards. Although there is no teacher present in these exams they still go into the exams as a group. These exams can be used as a way to build confidence in examination work and performance.
For children who want to gain extra performance experience or as a stepping stone in between Grade examinations.
These tests are designed to encourage musicality and expression in performance, combined with a standard of technique appropriate for the required level.
For all children who want to progress within dancing in any of the subjects available, the grades are as follows; Pre-juvenile Group Award, Preparatory, Primary, Grades 1-5.
A well thought out set of new steps, routines, dances and exercises aimed at gradually developing and achieving a level of ability in each subject.
Progressing through, and passing, each grade and test can prove very rewarding and a real confidence boost for the young dancer. It also helps parents and teachers have a clear indication of the child’s progress.
Bramcote Leisure Centre
Derby Road
Get in touch
For more information please don't hesitate to contact the school using the details below.
If your enquiry is about registering for a taster session, please click here.
Classes are held at Bramcote Leisure Centre, Derby Road, Bramcote Nottingham. NG9 3GF